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Book Reviews
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Robot Dog
by mark oliver

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The Last Word
by Samantha Hastings

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While this historical fiction book has a good romance and story, the author seemed to have trouble writing about the characters. Their banter and mannerisms seemed force at times and they all felt a little two dimensional to me. However the historical accuracy that the author put into this book was really great and very interesting to read about. She was really able to show how trapped women were in the 1800's. Plus, the main character's adventure to find the ending of her favorite book was a cute premise and kept me reading to the end.

How To Put An Octopus To Bed
by Sherri Duskey Rinker

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Hilarious and accurate account about putting a toddler to bed!

Im not going out there
by paul bright

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Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
by Bill Martin Jr

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This excellent book combines rhythm and rhyme to teach the A,B,Cs.

Black Like Me
by John Howard Griffin

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This book is very relevant to the current racial struggles in America, following a white journalist who lives through the African-American experience in the Jim-Crow South. Written as a series of journal entries, Black Like Me fully illustrates the horrors that black citizens experienced daily in the 1950s and 60s as well as the effects of the journey on the author, both emotionally and professionally. It is a must read for anyone looking to broaden their understanding of the role of race in American society.

The Biggest Baddest Wolf
by nick ward

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Mark Of Athena
by Rick Riordan

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This third book in the Heroes of Olympus series is definitely the best one. Mark of Athena masterfully mixes old characters and concepts from the Percy Jackson series with new protagonists and mythology to create an amazing original story. Written from the perspective of four different characters, this story takes readers from San Francisco to Rome and has delightful stops along the way that highlight the history of the regions. While it is a long book (almost 600 pages), it is an exciting page turner that will keep you engaged. (This book is gold for ages 9-13, but it would be a good idea to read the Percy Jackson series first).

Robot Dog
by mark oliver

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Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Bronte

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The classic story of a quick-witted young woman who goes to work as a governess and finds both romance and mysterious secrets along the way.