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Book Reviews
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I Knew You Could
by Craig Dorfman

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Good book

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
by Bill Martin Jr

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This excellent book combines rhythm and rhyme to teach the A,B,Cs.

Gift of Grace
by Amy Clipston Amish

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Great book

Im not going out there
by paul bright

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Llama Llama And The Bully Goat
by Anna Dewdney

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my favorite!

Black Like Me
by John Howard Griffin

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This book is very relevant to the current racial struggles in America, following a white journalist who lives through the African-American experience in the Jim-Crow South. Written as a series of journal entries, Black Like Me fully illustrates the horrors that black citizens experienced daily in the 1950s and 60s as well as the effects of the journey on the author, both emotionally and professionally. It is a must read for anyone looking to broaden their understanding of the role of race in American society.

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone
by Jk Rowling

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Im not going out there
by paul bright

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Words In Deep Blue
by Cath Crowley

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This book was fascinating to me. It discusses so many impactful topics. It makes you think about life, death, loss and love. Well written book that makes you consider life itself. Loved it.

Robot Dog
by mark oliver

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